What’s Next?

I really need to not watch the governor’s FB Live during this time.

What I need to do is decide exactly what my long term goals are and then fill in with short term goals to reach the long term goals.

LONG TERM GOAL #1 – I will be a published author, but even if I churn out a couple books a year I have other things I want to do too.

Goal #1: Send out my two completed children’s picture book stories (I still need art) to beta readers for feedback. Date of sending is this Friday 5.1.2020.

Goal #2: While I am awaiting responses from beta readers, find and devour websites of 20 of my favorite children’s picture book authors. Scour their websites to find their publisher and write each one a query letter, which I will keep in a file until it’s time to send.

Goal #3: Breath. There is life outside being paid to do what I love.

LONG TERM GOAL #2 – Live a mobile lifestyle and work remotely – writing books and a regular job – but what? Editing? Marketing? Freelance Writing?

Goal #1: Narrow down my choice of employment besides book author and finish online degree in 1 – 2 years.

Goal #2: Research the hell outta mobile living, downsize my possessions even more and learn to make meals and do laundry as would be done on the road.

Okay that’s enough planning for today – Now to get to it.

Oh yeah and for fun I will be drawing a plan for 50′ X 200′ lot in Florida for a few tiny houses, just because it’s fun and I know someone who may benefit from my ability to dream.

Happy Wednesday! Inklings Guild tonight and no one has posted anything to critique so I have to get some fun prompts ready. I have a few ideas to refine. 🙂

Writing for My Future

I am a writer. I am an author. I have been busied with other things. Sarah says she won’t laugh if I tell her all my dreams. I must make my decisions though and be sure I am NOT looking back at the end of this earthly existence wishing I had done more to make my dreams come true.

I started this blog in 2012. My baby was 11, loved her mommy and riding Gramma’s donkey. My bigger baby was 18 and moving out. We needed separation, we needed healing. I wrapped up 5.5 years with the triplets and started 6.25 years with a company I now loathe, well some there anyway.

“Life can indeed be like a garden, if you have a good gardener, otherwise it’s nothing more than roses among the thorns and glimpses of beauty between the Kudzu and thunderstorms.”

I have had a very hard last 1.5 years and am hoping the progress I have made recently does not come undone. Life can indeed be like a garden, if you have a good gardener, otherwise it’s nothing more than roses among the thorns and glimpses of beauty between the Kudzu and thunderstorms.

I am going to blog everyday M-F for the next few months and see if clearly putting it out there brings it to a better fruition.

As my blog title suggests I (Ann) have BIG dreams. To understand my tiny house dream better, read books by Lloyd Kahn, The Big Tiny by Dee Williams and check out the amazingly talented artistry of Brad Kittel on Youtube at https://youtu.be/iWGa7qyGO8M .

Dee Williams decided upon house layout different than mine but she chose freedom over social constraints. For over 2 decades I have wanted to so the same but didn’t know how nor did I have support in my ‘dreamz’. Like my dream of using 90% reclaimed materials to build my little abode Brad creates homes that withstand tornadoes out of materials most people throw away, and they are so beautiful. The Gingered Swan, now purchased by someone else, is my favorite. When I visited in 2016 I stayed in a neighboring tiny house with an indoor bathroom and couldn’t have been happier. If it hadn’t been for needing the bathroom I would have stayed in the Gingered Swan. I spent time meditating there, breathing deeply and freely and just being at peace. I have read many of Lloyd Kahn’s books and find he is a never ending wealth of information and inspiration.

I have also been quite nomadic in my life, only staying in one area long enough to raise my kids and even then we didn’t live in the same apartment/house/tent for more than 4 years. I moved 3 times while caring for the triplets. I thrive on change and new adventures. I define adventure – not some well meaning person who thinks the challenges I have faces should count as adventure.

So here’s to decisions, adventure and the future.